Our journey began when the founder explored the potential of manufacturing Insulating Sleeves. After a year of dedicated effort to create sleeves meeting the standard Class B and receiving a warm reception from consumers, our passion for this field led us to extend our operations. From 1983 to 1988, we expanded our presence through various small workshops in Tehran.
Motivated by our contented customers and our eagerness to diversify our product range, TLV Company decided to expand its facilities in response to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s recommendation to increase production capacity. Based on our research and integration strategies, TLV Company successfully began producing Insulating Sleeves meeting standard classes C and H within a year of this expansion.
We made the strategic decision to introduce a new product line, named Heat Resistant Wire. Thanks to the expertise of our team and their unwavering dedication, we achieved success in manufacturing both single- and double-layer Heat Resistant Wires tailored for a wide range of specific applications.
The TLV Group was recognized as an outstanding production unit by the Ministry of Industry in Iran. Over the years, we have honed our expertise to a point where we can meet all types of customer needs in this field reliably and effectively.
TLV Group initiated its operations in trading and supplying customers with top-tier products designed for electrical equipment insulation.
TLV Group proudly serves as the official agent for Glass Fiber yarn supply in the Middle East and Russia. Additionally, we offer various forms of tin-plated copper wires to meet our customers’ needs.